Monday, December 24, 2012

Free Sex Toys give away celebrating 1 Million page views!

Merry Xmas Guys!!

Woaaah.. when i log into the page view section of blogger today , was shocked that the total page view has crossed 1 Million in total!! 

Pageviews all time history-- 1,033,037 to be exact!

Unique views has crossed the 500,000 mark as well.. thank you all for your support throughout the years..  We started in May 2008 and its been a good 4 years since..

To celebrate our mark, I made a quick call to our sponsor and has gladly agree to sponsor us free sex toys hampers to be given away! Each is worth at least $100 with enhancement rings, dildo and vibrators as part of the package.

How do you win it?

All you need to do is to submit entries of you and your partner engaging in any of the THOSE activities: Threesome, Hotwifing, Orgy, Swinging or Exhibiting or you ladies posing in your sexiest ever, pose with a paper sign writing "I Love SGTHOSE" , snap a photo and submit to us via .Titled: celebration give away!

Daily Winners will be picked and we have lots of hampers to be given away! Hampers will be delivered to you Free ! Entries close daily till 31 Dec 2012. We have a total of 9 hampers to be given away!

Send your entries in now! To kick off, the first qualified entry wins a hammper right away!

To reward your loyalty thus far, here attaching a recent all time favorite butt of Princess!

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